The Value of Effective Delegation in a Small Business
Effective delegation plays a vital role in the growth of a successful team and is a critical skill for any manager — especially for small business owners! Here’s why:
More Time to Focus on High-Value Tasks
You’re all too aware of just how busy a small business owner’s life can be. Taking time to think deeply and strategize is crucial but can often be hard to come by.
But, when you practice effective delegation, you free up your time to focus on higher-value activities.
Using this time productively can not only give you time to get important tasks done, but it can also free up space for strategic thinking. Essentially, you’re now free to focus on what really matters — growing your business.
Truly Tip: Before you delegate, prioritize the tasks on hand. Which tasks need to be done right now? Do these tasks need your involvement or just your approval? Where can you add the most value? Asking these questions will help you determine which tasks need to be delegated and to whom.
Employees Who Feel Valued
Delegating doesn’t come naturally to everyone. This can be particularly tricky for small business owners because you’re used to handling it all yourself. The reluctance to delegate usually stems from concerns around loss of control or even a lack of confidence in other people’s ability to get the job done to the desired standard. Trust us — trust your team!
When you transfer responsibility for a task that you usually carry out, your employees will feel valued and trusted. They will be keen to show that your belief in them is well placed and give their best to ensure the task is done well.
The more valued and respected employees feel, the happier they are at work. The happier employees are, the more productive they are.
Truly Tip: Effective delegation involves more than just handing out a task to team members. To be an effective delegator, you should consider what to delegate, who’s skills could benefit from it, and where stretch opportunities can help your team members grow.
An Agile Team With a Diverse Skill Set
When you delegate the right task to the right person, it can benefit their career growth hugely.
Individuals who have new responsibilities delegated to them have opportunities to learn a new process or interact with team members they might not deal with usually. These new experiences can help employees become managers by building new skills in areas like project management, teamwork, and communication.
And, delegation can also help your professional growth too! Small business owners who learn how to delegate effectively build competency in setting expectations, providing feedback, and ensuring accountability in their team. These are all crucial qualities to possess to be a truly successful leader.
A good leader understands how delegation makes their team more effective and strives to implement it wherever possible. Don’t be an island!
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